As for me, I’m Asta. I would describe myself as kind and creative. I graduated from Vilnius Academy of Arts with a degree in jewelry design. I grew up in the countryside, always surrounded by nature. My late father had a profound impact on my understanding of respecting the Earth. He showed me every nesting bird, every serpent in our backyard, and would wake me at 4 a.m. to show me bats flying in the night sky. I will always be grateful for these experiences. Now, with children of my own, I cherish these memories and want to create similarly magical moments for my boys.
But life is different now — we're always rushing to keep up with endless tasks, so I understand the need for balance. Through this journey, I want to promote the idea of slow living and inspire others to reconnect with nature. My roles in this brand are product designer, photographer, content creator, writer, idea seeker and social media manager. But most importantly, I’m a mother. I’m passionate about everything I do, and I believe in a greener, kinder, less toxic future that we will create together.